
Cynthia Richey

I'm a first-year PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania, studying programming languages. My work is supported by the NSF GRFP. Previously, I attended the University of Washington, where I was advised by Zachary Tatlock and Chandrakana Nandi.

I have had internships in computer science: in a research capacity at Certora and in a software engineering capacity at AT&T and Geneial. I have also worked as a tutor for the Math Study Center, a drop-in tutoring resource for students taking UW's introductory calculus sequence, and as a teaching assistant for UW's undergraduate programming languages course, CSE 341.

Although I have lived in Seattle since 2016, I am originally from Columbia, South Carolina, a city I once heard described as "a hot concrete bowl". I don't disagree with this characterization, but I love it anyway. Outside of school, I listen to loud, weird music and cook an improbable amount. I go by Thia, usually.


(Aug 2024)
I graduated with a MS in Computer Science.

(Apr 2024)
I was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

(Oct 2023)
Equality Saturation Theory Exploration à la Carte was accepted at OOPSLA 2023.

(Sep 2023)
I won 1st Place in the undergraduate category at the ICFP 2023 SRC.

(Jun 2023)
I graduated with a BS in Computer Science.


Equality Saturation Theory Exploration à la Carte
Anjali Pal, Brett Saiki, Ryan Tjoa*, Cynthia Richey*, Amy Zhu, Oliver Flatt, Max Willsey, Zachary Tatlock, Chandrakana Nandi
(* denotes equal contribution.)

What is a Good Ruleset? Comparing Rulesets Using Equality Saturation
Cynthia Richey
ICFP 2023 SRC (1st Place)


Here is the bagel recipe. I haven't updated it in a while, I know, sorry.